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Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Sorry I have not been here!

Sorry I have not been here in a while, I have been busy with work & play!

I have been experiencing new play with regard to bdsm, new pain, new emotions and new pleasures.

Reading about other submissives love of pain, I thought I would never be like that.  Unfortunately I am heading down the same path.  I am becoming a pain slut!

Canes I dreaded, but now adore!  Sometimes I find it hard as sometimes my body won't tolerate a caning and yet other times I can, why do our bodies react so differently?

Sir and I are having a wonderful time together and on the 24th of August we will have been together for 5 months, so due to having to cancel the hire of a dungeon for his birthday, I have rescheduled it for this date.

8 hours of pain, pleasure and being tied up!  Yes I still adore rope, I can't live without it, I'm so glad Sir also loves it as much as I do.

We attended a munch/play event at the weekend, Sir bought me the most beautiful black leather, purple lined wrist and ankle cuffs, also a matching black leather collar which he used on me when we played in the evening at the venue. 

A beautiful time of CP, spanking, flogging, whipping.  At last some beautiful marks were left.

I don't seem to mark as easily as I did at the beginning, and marks can fade in a few hours.  I love the marks, especially when Sir is away.  I admire them in the mirror and float back to the session we had when he made them.  Re-living every impact and emotion is mindblowing, especially when he is away for a while.

This weekend we are hoping to go to a new BDSM event, one we have spoken about for a while but are now going to attend.  I can't wait.  Lots of stalls for shopping and play in the evening.

Well better end it here, hope to start to write more again.

Raven xxx

1 comment:

  1. i'm so glad to see you as glowingly happy as you are. Congratulations on your growth into pain-loving, and i do hope you continue to enjoy yourself.

